choć jestem w Kioto, kiedy śpiewa kukułka, tęsknię za Kioto - Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)

wtorek, 27 maja 2014

Butterfly Dream by Chen Ou-Liu - May 27, 2014

cold morning --
a doe is running
from shot to shot

Asahi Haikuist Network, January 31, 2014

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

寒冷的早晨 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

寒冷的早晨 --

Comment by Chen Ou-Liu:
L1 successfully sets the tone while the cold scene described in ls 2&3 enhances it. Something unusual about this "deer hunting" haiku is that the hunter is not supposed to shoot the doe, but uses the doe in esterous scent to pique a buck's interest and shoot the buck. This haiku reminds me of the iconic scene about deer hunting in the 1978 anti-war film, The Deer Hunter.

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